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New Left Media January 2022

Here are a smattering of new(ish) projects that caught the old eye over the course of the last month. Of course, pluggage does not necessaily mean agreement or political endorsement!

1. Decolonize Palestine (Twitter) (Educational resource)

2. New Labour 2.0: Reinventing Labour (Twitter) (Blog)

3. Tory Sleaze (Twitter) (Attack ads/Meme factory)

4. Working Class Economists Group (Twitter) (Instagram) (YouTube Channel)

If you know of any new(ish) blogs, podcasts, channels, Facebook pages or whatever that haven't featured before then drop me a line via the comments, email, Facebook, or Twitter). Please note I'm looking for new media that has started within the last 12 months. The round up appears hereabouts when there are enough new entrants to justify a post!