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Five most Popular Posts in December

Fireworks explode and the year turns, but nothing, nothing is going to stop the monthly run through of what was hot. Take it away.

1. Critiquing the Lockdown Left
2. Yvette Cooper's Peculiar Fandom
3. Keir Starmer's "Prime Ministerial" Address
4. Why That Party Matters
5. Tory Anti-Mask Libertarianism

The critique of some of the left's attitude to restrictions ruffled a few feathers, if the day wasted responding to responses in Twitter was anything to go by. But also doing the business this month was a consideration of why Yvette Cooper is so overrated. It's all about the feels, and the possibility her advancement would float the boats of other careerists further down the ladder. Then we see Keir Starmer's national address hit the numbers. Naturally, the Starmer stans loved it but what might ordinary punters might think? Not a lot, by the looks of things. Tory tanking is thanks to their self-inflicted misfortunes, and has nothing to do with Starmer himself. Which brings us on to the dread Christmas party (parties). How is it a few soirees have done more damage to the government than 148,000 dead? Click on the link to find out why. And coming in at the end is a consideration of the political imaginary of anti-mask Tory backbenchers. Someone has to go there, and it might as well have been me.

What deserves a second look? In the spirit of know your enemy, I'd humbly suggest an acquaintance with Liz Truss is worth your time. At the moment, she's the one most likely to replace Johnson if his career is pushed out of a window. And I'll stick the meditation of dead cats on the tray for your consideration too.

Okay, 2022 is here. It's time to get down to business.

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