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Capitalist Realism and Pandemic Realism

Excellent piece from Daniel Sarah Karasik in new(ish) Canadian Magazine, Midnight Sun. Some comrades who are indifferent about the spread of Covid would do well to reflect on their piece. Here's the conclusion to Daniel's article:
The cultural theorist Mark Fisher coined the term “capitalist realism” for the feeling that there’s no imaginable alternative to the murderous political-economic system that shapes our lives. Today we’re drowning in a COVID-era version of the same ideological bog. Call it pandemic realism: the way capital and the state have convinced so many of us that there’s no alternative to the eugenics of mass infection. Yet that realism is a kind of capitalist fantasy made real by capitalist power. Not inevitable, not necessary; the experiences of the COVID Zero territories prove it. Who knows what impossibilities we might make real – human survival on this planet, even – if we manage to build a counterpower that’s equal to the challenges we face now?
Hopefully, I'll have some time to reflect on this in the not-too-distant.

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